This month only - Save up to $7,500 on a new metal roof! Expires 11/30/24
I had a great experience despite the obstacles we had. My house was originally built in 1957. When we stripped down far enough I had 2x6s or 2x8s at an angle. No sheeting over the top. It also had the soffets blocked so air wouldn't glow properly. I also had a wonky bay wall that had leaking roof issues. The guys were very patient and thorough to get it all back to code. The insulation wrap and ice sheild should keep us dry forever. I love my new roof. The shingle look is stylish and gives my old house some charm. Do consider some barriers to break up the snow slides by your enrty ways. If it snows heavy enough you will get a moat where the sliding snow will pile up. Highly recommend this company and its workers. One of the best decisions I have made.
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