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Heated Shingle

A new metal roofing product from American Metal Roofs of Michigan, heated metal shingles melts snow and ice BEFORE they build up on your roof.

Ice Dam Cutter

A proven solution for ice dam buildup on roofs, Ice Dam Cutter melts vertical channels through the snow and ice buildup along the eave edge of your roof. Water behind the ice can then drain off the roof before it pools and leaks.

Snow Country Roof

The most durable of metal roofs that are designed for heavy snow loads, Snow Country Roof has interlocking Valleys and Gables that help prevent damage from sliding snow. One of the most desirable traits of a metal roof is to have the snow slide off saving you hours of dangerous snow shoveling.

Snow Guards and Talon Bars

Control snow with Snow Guards and Talon Bars, ready to take on the harshest weather that Michigan has to offer!