Our goal, as the leading metal roofing company in Michigan, is to make sure that you are well-informed with the facts necessary to ensure you have a roof that is best for your home and family. Each day, more and more Michigan homes and properties are making the necessary upgrade from the outdated and ineffective asphalt roof option. For more information of the benefits of metal roofing, read more about why metal roofing is a better option than asphalt and other materials here. Below we focus on the benefits of metal roofing and why you should choose it for your home.
Metal roofing in both light and dark colors reflects heat effectively to reduce cooling loads in the summer and insulate homes during the winter. This is a benefit of metal roofing because it can help to lower energy bills. The secret to metal roofing’s energy savings is in its variety of finishes. A highly reflective and highly emissive painted or granular-coated metal roof is optimal for reducing energy consumption and can actually re-emit up to 90% of absorbed solar radiation.
Installing a metal roof can also help the environment in other ways, too. Conventional roofing products, including asphalt shingles, contribute an estimated 20 billion pounds of waste to U.S. landfills annually, whereas metal roofs can often be installed over an existing roof, eliminating the cost and eco-impact of tear-off and disposal. These environmental benefits offer even more evidence of why metal roofing is so popular.
Longevity is one of the top benefits of metal roofing that consumers report choosing metal roofing for their homes. Metal roofing can last as long as 50 years or more, requiring very little maintenance and looking beautiful all the while. But it isn’t just the dependability that people love about long-living metal roofing—it’s the low life-cycle cost. Few homeowners realize it until after the fact, but metal roofing can actually cost as little or less than asphalt roofing. Since asphalt roofing needs to be replaced two to four times as often as metal roofing, you really need to multiply not only the initial cost of asphalt roofing materials but also the cost of asphalt roof repairs and re-installation man hours to compare to the typical “once-a-lifetime” metal roofing installation. (Courtesy of Metal Roofing Alliance)
5 Reasons Why The Best Roofs Are Metal
- Quality. Make your home one people slow down to look at with a roof that lasts and looks good for a lifetime.
- Efficiency. Save money with energy-saving aluminum designed to cover already existing roofing material, so you can get a heat-reflecting surface without creating environmental waste.
- Longevity. Feel confident knowing your roof will last for 100's of years instead of 10-12 like most asphalt roofs.
- Maintenance. Keep your shovel and ladder in the garage next time you think about clearing your roof. When temperatures rise above 40 degrees, snow slides right off a metal roof.
- Value. Metal roofs both improve the value of your property and distance you from the difficulties asphalt roofs give over time.
With a metal roof, you get the benefit of using the most energy efficient materials that save you money for several decades.
The roofing industry is driven by extreme weather. Whether strong winds and storms, hail, snow, ice, or brutal sun, the weather is what makes roofing materials break down. Firsthand experience may be why metal roofing is such an attractive option for you.
While particularly damaging in southern exposures and at high altitudes, heat and sun play huge roles in the degradation of most roofing systems. Ultimately, most roofing systems fail because they dry out, become brittle, and crack with age. The benefit of metal roofing systems is that they’re completely impervious to this type of damage. They will not curl, crack, or become brittle when exposed to sun and heat. Additionally, today’s coating technology offers a variety of finishes that maintain their integrity and color very well when exposed to heat and sun.
In order to verify their wind resistance, metal roofing products are subjected to uplift tests that simulate actual wind occurrences. This is done through what is called the “bag test.” With some variations, a section of roofing is installed in a laboratory with plastic bagging between the metal and the roof decking. Metal products also retain their strength and wind resistance very well as they age. A 30-year-old metal roof will likely withstand wind the same as a brand-new metal roof—most other roofing material doesn’t come close to this ability.
Snow and ice can cause a lot of damage to any roof, but the best bet to keep your roof from collapsing and your home dry is metal roofing. Metal roofing is known for its ability to quickly shed snow loads. Typically, this happens when the sun comes out and radiant heat passes through the snow load, warming the metal a bit. There is a risk, however, of damaging ice dam build-up, which could lead to leaking in your home. Heated shingles and ice dam cutters are a way to prevent this type of damage. American Metal Roofs of Michigan has specific metal roofing products available to handle all that snow and ice can throw at a metal roof.
- Heated Shingle
- Ice Dam Cutter
- Snow Country Roof
- Snow Guards and Talon Bar
Metal roofing is widely respected for its hail resistance. While there can certainly be storms from which no roofing material will escape unscathed, metal roofing offers good protection from leaks even if aesthetic damages do occur. The most widely-accepted test of hail-resistance is Underwriters Lab (U.L.) 2218, which is a steel-ball drop test that simulates the effect of hail impact on roofing products. Metal roofs pass U.L. 2218 at Class IV, the highest rating. As a result, homeowners in many hail-prone states can obtain discounts on their insurance premiums. Additionally, unlike other roofing materials, metal roofing resists hail damage even as it ages. This is another big advantage of metal roofing.
It is common for homeowners to wonder whether a metal roof might attract lightning. Metal conducts electricity but it does not “draw” it. There is no evidence that metal roofing puts a home at greater risk of a lightning strike. Typically, lightning will hit the highest object around, and rarely is that the top of the house. Just the same, metal roofs can be grounded by a lightning protection specialist if desired.
Most metal roofs are approved for Class A, B, and C fire ratings. In some cases, a special under-layment may be required to meet certain code and fire classification requirements. However, metal roofing is widely recognized for its resistance to airborne sparks and burning debris. Particularly if you have a wood shingle or shake roof currently, you may enjoy a lower insurance premium with a metal roof. Additionally, in the event of a fire inside your house, the low weight of metal roofing minimizes the possibility of roof cave-in as the structure weakens. This can help save your home and belongings, providing firefighters with greater opportunity to put out the fire.
There are many reasons why metal roofing is the best choice for your Michigan home. Let American Metal Roofs help you install this valuable asset.
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